Birth Name: Harold Andrew Lindes

Place of Birth: Monterey, California, United States

Date of Birth: June 30, 1953

Ethnicity: German

Hal Lindes is an American guitarist, musician, songwriter, and film score composer. He was a member of rock band Dire Straits. The band’s members also included brothers Mark Knopfler and David Knopfler.

Hal is the son of Olga and Harald Lindes. His father was born in Leningrad/Saint Petersburg, Russia, and was likely of German descent. His mother was born either in Odessa, Ukraine, or Riga, Latvia. She was taken to a labor camp in Hamburg during WWII. Members of her family died in the siege of Odessa during WWII.

He has three children, Misha, a musician, Staz Lindes, a model and musician, and Evangeline, an actress.

Hal’s maternal grandfather was named Alexei Pohl. The surname Pohl in Odessa is usually associated with German ancestry.

Hal’s maternal grandmother was named Helen.

Sources: U.S. Naturalization petition of Hal’s father –

Obituary of Hal’s mother –
