In Hollywood, it seems like the biggest, nastiest fights are over money and children. It’s the same way with non-celebrities too, just on a smaller scale. Many stars, actors, singers, celebrities and entertainers go to great lengths to hold on to their slice of the pie at all costs. But not Jim Carrey. At one point in his 20-year-plus career, Carrey was the highest paid actor in the world, making roughly $20 million per film (but probably more if he had a back-end deal, ensuring a percentage of his films’ gross). The twice-married, twice-divorced father of one has probably accumulated between $150-200 million dollars throughout his career, if he saved and spent wisely, making the right investments.
In December 2005, Carrey met Jenny McCarthy, Playboy bunny-turned-autism activist. They’ve been together ever since. McCarthy has given numerous interviews about how Carrey is wonderful with her autistic son, and both Carrey and McCarthy have been very open about their relationship, even appearing together on Oprah. They’ve also talked about how they don’t have any plans to marry, but it’s always seemed like Carrey wouldn’t be opposed to it. Now, there’s further proof that this relationship is in for the long haul. Carrey has made a $50 million trust for McCarthy and her son.
Jim Carrey has vowed to give his longtime girlfriend Jenny McCarthy a financially secure future – after reportedly setting up a $50 million (GBP35 million) trust fund for the actress despite insisting they will never marry.
The actor, 46, has earned an estimated $200 million (GBP140 million) with his blockbuster comedies – and is desperate to make sure 36-year-old McCarthy is set for life.
A source tells Star magazine, “He adores her and credits her with his better health and happier outlook on life. (He) wants her to have all the perks in life should anything happen to him.”
[From Contact Music]
That kind of generosity is so rare. While on Oprah, McCarthy talked about how Carrey was with her autistic son, how patient, how decent and how fatherly he is. This is just further proof that Carrey is beyond amazing – that he would take on the long-term financial challenges of his girlfriend and her autistic son, without any sense of obligation. And by all estimation, this trust is probably about a third of Carrey’s worth. Absolutely amazing. I guess there are some decent men out there.
Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy are shown on 12/17/08 at the Yes Man premiere. Credit: Juan Rico/Fame Pictures